[VIDEO] Ticker News
“When we think about the global situation, you know, vaccination rates are actually coming along very well, in a lot of the developed countries, they’re starting to open back up again, confidence is rebuilding.”
Bill Lang joined Holly Stearnes from Ticker News to discuss the latest update on the COVID situation for small businesses globally.
You can watch the segment via the following YouTube video or read the highlights of the transcript below.
Holly Stearnes – Ticker News
Well as economies around the world rebound from the COVID 19 pandemic, what does this mean for businesses right across the globe? For more, we welcome Bill Lang from Small Business Australia. Bill, great to have your company as always.
Now, let’s talk about heading our news, obviously the case COVID cases in India, we’re continuing to see it only get worse. Now, what does this actually mean for businesses right around the world?
Bill Lang – Small Business Australia
Look, I think there’s a couple of things about this that’s really important. Of course, the news is often bad news, right? I think the saying is, if it bleeds, it leads, and those images are very, very confronting. But when we think about the global situation, you know, vaccination rates are actually coming along very well, in a lot of the developed countries, they’re starting to open back up again, confidence is rebuilding.
You know, the Indian government in time will get on top of it. It’s a very different country, there’s 50 times more people than in a little country like Australia, but we shouldn’t let it rock our confidence too much and get too distracted by you know, how bad things are, and things are very bad there. But in a bunch of the Western economies, we are absolutely on the path to recovery.
So we have to maintain, you know, sense of balance and a sense of calmness. And it’s great to see that the major countries helping India out and providing things like PPE and ventilators and oxygen because they have a very underdeveloped health system.
Holly Stearnes
Definitely. It’s really great to see other nations stepping in.