Cyber and IT Security Health Check


$600 for Business Advantage members

It is estimated that Australian businesses, both large and small, will lose over $500 million due to hackers and cyber-criminals accessing business IT systems, websites and information. There are a number of key strategies used by these cybercriminals and a number of practical steps and strategies that can maximise the defences of small businesses. In addition, governments are increasing the liability and penalties of business owners and directors with respect to the protection of data and security of business IT systems and practices.

The Cyber and IT Security Health Report will:

  • Identify the current weaknesses in your systems and practices

  • Determine the consequences of these weaknesses being exploited by cybercriminals, and

  • Recommend strategies, tools and required investments that will maximise your protection, as well as

  • Providing processes and training for your staff to work ”cybersafe” when using your systems and the data that you are legally responsible for.