[VIDEO] Ticker News
“We’ve still got a lot of issues in our industrial relations systems with things being very complicated, in some cases, having to pay way too much that you can’t actually make a profit on those days so therefore, you don’t open up.”
Bill Lang joined Jackson Williams from Ticker News to discuss the latest in small business news.
You can watch the segment via the following YouTube video or read the highlights of the transcript below.
Jackson Williams – Ticker News
Australia we observed the Easter holiday period. What were your observations when it came to, to hospitality operators, to restaurants, to pubs, to cafes, were people open with their closed?
Bill Lang – Small Business Australia
Yeah, well, this is one of the big challenges with our industrial relations system and Fair Work Australia and wages and awards and penalty rates and overtime and double time, etc., as many of the very small business owners decided not to open because they could not afford to pay double time with respect to their staff, which means those staff missed out on getting some hours, the business doesn’t get a chance to open potentially get some profit.
So we’ve still got a lot of issues in our industrial relations systems with things being very complicated, in some cases, having to pay way too much that you can’t actually make a profit on those days so therefore, you don’t open up. That’s not good for the small business owners not good for the people could have had those hours of work.